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Barendsen GB



Aalsmeer is situated right in the heart of the Dutch Floriculture sector and the central meeting point for the most beautiful flowers and plants. A fantastic reason for Barendsen to be based here!
Alongside the Dutch trade, we also sell many imported products, including cut flowers and cut greens.


Besides Aalsmeer, there are several other countries where other lovely products can be found, such as roses from Ecuador and beautiful cut greens from Costa Rica.  France, Spain and Italy also have a lot to offer.


Therefore, together with our long time suppliers, Barendsen searches outside of the Dutch market continually looking for beautiful inspiring products.
The search is organised by our Chief Buyer, Eric Klein. 



Importing goods provides the opportunity for our clients to purchase international products in the desired amount and quality.  Barendsen imports direct from the source and can customise your wishes to suit you!!


In addition to cut flowers, we also supply a wide range of plants. Here, too, we are always looking for the best products, from the auction or directly from the grower, both at home and abroad.

If possible, we also try to deliver your plants to you as fresh as possible;

Ordered in the morning, it will be on its way to you that same afternoon. Based on our years of experience in buying and delivering cut flowers, where we often pick them up day fresh directly from the grower, we can now offer you the same service for our plants.

• plants collected from grower after order
• from grower directly to our logistics center for sorting and transport
• own and short lines resulting in beautiful and fresh products
• well supported by the right knowledge
• possible to order small quantities

Our supply list for plants is compiled weekly by Esther Schreuder, who is always looking for unusual and fun plants. No question is too crazy for her and she does her utmost for you!

Info webshop

  • complete and current image of the products
  • reserve directly from stock
  • order from price lists
  • buy directly from the affiliated breeders
  • daily offers via the mail
  • user friendly and efficient

De Barendsen webshop has been online for a number of years now and a lot of our clients make full use of it with ease. Over the years we have implemented many changes and improvements to the webshop, making it more user friendly and efficient. Not only can you order directly from our stock but also from the price lists. In addition you can also purchase your goods directly from our affiliated breeders. Special offers are also sent to you on a daily basis. Alternatively examples of our offers can be found on the website under the 'flowers of the day' link.  To give you a complete impression of our products, the following information is provided to help you make your choice.

  • All items listed have an item photo.
  • The products we have in stock at that moment, completed by a 'live' photo resulting in ‘What you see is what you get!
  • You can adjust the size of the photo yourself.
  • You can search for your products using different search criteria, such as colour, name or price.

Via the information button, you can find more details information about your product, for example about the breeder, maintenance and care tips.

In addition there are some useful features to make everything much easier.

  • You can repeat previous orders made if they are the same again.
  • Make your own top 50 list of the most products ordered.
  • Keep a history of all invoices to be seen and printed at anytime.
  • It is also possible to send yourself an email of the price lists.

The webshop is never 'finished'. We are constantly changing and improving it and appreciate any feedback from you. Should you miss anything or want to see something change, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help!

Should you be interesed in taking a look around the stock at Barendsen or to receive our special offers, we kindly request you to contact us.

Cut flowers

We hope to amaze you with our wide basic assortment of fresh cut flowers of top quality. Our suppliers are located both in the Netherlands and abroad, and we buy directly as well as through auctions. For more information about our foreign suppliers, please refer to the 'Import' section.

It goes without saying that we adjust the quality to meet your needs. This also applies to order quantities, from a bunch to delivering whole containers. Our system adapts to your requirements. In short, we provide tailor-made solutions, that's what we stand for.

For all our products:

• Fresher than fresh
• Maximum quality
• Comprehensive selection, often directly ordered from Dutch growers who cut the ordered products and deliver them the same morning
• Current (seasonal) products
• Order between 3:00 PM - 5:30 AM / 10:00 AM = dispatched the same afternoon

Our purchasing team is constantly in contact with new top growers to expand the assortment with as many high-quality varieties as possible. With this approach, we offer you, our customer, the largest possible selection. We regularly adjust the offering according to the season, ensuring you always have access to the most current products.

You will receive a new price list by email every day. This price list is also available in our webshop. You can place your order from 3:00 PM the day before until approximately 5:30 AM - 10:00 AM on the morning after (the exact time depends on the grower). After this time, you can no longer place an online order.

At Barendsen, your total order is completed and sent to you the same afternoon.

